Password on signer’s signed copy

For added security, a password can be added to the signer's signed copy when downloading the document.

This means that every time the signer needs to access the signed document afterwards, this will be locked by a password. Therefore, this only applies if you send a receipt with documents to the signer.

There are three different password alternatives, which will be discussed in this article.

Note that it is only the document that the signer receives that will have a password on. The signed document that the sender of the signing receives is not locked by a password. 

3 different options for password
1. The recipient's CPR/SSN
2. Secret code
3. Password


The recipient's CPR/SSN

You have the option to lock the document with the recipient's CPR/SSN number. This can be useful if you want extra security on confidential documents that are signed.

Please note that in order to use this option, the identification and signing method must be set to NemID / MitID, Swedish BankID or Norwegian BankID.

If you want this code, please do the following:

  1. Add a signer
  2. Choose NemID / MitID, Svensk BankID or Norsk BankID as authentication and signing method
  3. Enter CPR/SSN number
  4. Tap the drop-down menu in the "Signers's receipt" section and select +documents+CPR password
  5. Then press Add signer
  6. Send the document

The recipient will then receive an email where the person signs. Once the transaction is completed, the signer receives the documents. The mail that the signer receives looks like this:



The mail will give a warning that an "Encrypted attachment" has been sent. If the signer wants to access the document, they must tap on the signed document. A pop-up window will then appear:


The recipient then inserts their CPR/SSN number as code, and then gains access to the document. Please inform the signer that the document code is their CPR. no./SSN so they have easy access to the document. 


Secret Code

You have the option to lock the document with a secret code. Remember to inform the signer of this code. 

If you want this code, do the following:

  1. Add a signer
  2. Choose authentication and signing method
  3. Tap the drop-down menu in the "Signers's receipt" section and select +documents+code
  4. Enter a secret code
  5. Then press Add signer
  6. Send the document

The recipient will then receive an email where the person signs. Once the transaction is completed, the signer receives the documents. The mail that the signer receives looks like this:



The mail will give a warning that an "Encrypted attachment" has been sent. If the signer wants to access the document, they must tap on the signed document. A pop-up window will then appear:


The recipient then inserts the secret code, and then gains access to the document.



You have the option to lock the document with a secret code chosen by the signer. REMEMBER to inform the signatory that you as the sender do not have access to this code. If the signer loses the code, it will be difficult to access the document.

If you want the signatory to create this code, do the following:

  1. Add a signer
  2. Choose authentication and signing method
  3. Tap the drop-down menu in the "Signers's receipt" section and select +documents+password
  4. Then press Add signer
  5. Send the document


When the customer opens the transaction their signature flow will look like this:


After signing, the signer can determine their code. A pop-up box will appear where they can create a code. 


Once the transaction is completed, the signer receives the documents. The mail that the signer receives looks like this:



The mail will give a warning that an "Encrypted attachment" has been sent. If the signer wants to access the document, they must tap on the signed document. A pop-up window will then appear:



The recipient then inserts the code of their choice and then gains access to the document.