Transaction status
The transaction overview gives you a quick indication of the status of your transactions. Below we explain the 12 status variants you may experience in Addo Sign, how they should be understood and how you should act.
If you're not sure what the different status messages mean, we'll go through them below. Note that in the guide we use the term "transaction". A transaction in Addo is the total shipment, either with or without a signature. So every time you send something - one or more documents for signing, secure file transfer or an Addo Form, a transaction is created in the overview. Also note that status messages are displayed for each signer, and each signer may have different status messages. Status messages look like this:
Status messages
Data collecting
Distribution failed
'Created' is shown when you use one of our integrations, where you can choose when/on which date a transaction should start. When a transaction is started, the signature process is initiated and the signer(s) receive a message to this effect. Before this date, the status will be 'created'.
As soon as you have started a transaction, the status 'Started' is displayed. This means that one or more documents have been sent and delivered to the signatory. They may have seen the documents, but have not signed them yet.
'Pending' is a status that is only seen if there are multiple signatories on the transaction. You will see it if it has been selected that signatories should sign in a specific order. 'Pending' thus means that signers with this status have not yet received an invitation to sign, as one or more other signatories have yet to sign.
The status is displayed when one of the signatories has signed the document(s). This status is only used if there are multiple signers on the transaction and is used to clarify which signatories have signed and which have not. Note that if all signatories have signed, the status will change to 'Completed', not 'Signed'. 'Signed' indicates that the transaction has not been signed by all parties.
'Distributing' is a status that is seen between 'Signed' and 'Completed'. When all documents have been signed by all signatories, Addo will send the document(s) via the selected distribution methods. 'Distribution' should therefore be understood as meaning that Addo is sending the signed documents and that they have not been delivered to the sender and recipients yet. You will usually only experience this status very briefly before it changes to 'Completed'.
Note! If the status does not change from 'Distribution' to 'Completed', please contact our support via the link at the bottom of the page with a transaction ID.
The status will be 'Completed' when all signatories have signed the documents, approved any attachments and answered simple questions, and the documents have been sent and delivered to all parties.
Note! As a sender, you have the option to download all documents from your overview until the transaction expiry date, plus 10 days. After that, they are deleted from Addo's servers and can no longer be retrieved.
When the status is 'Expired', your transaction is no longer active. When a transaction expires, you as the sender will receive an email stating that it has expired. You then have the option to reactivate the transaction for 10 days, after which the documents will be deleted from our servers and personal data may be starred out, depending on your GDPR settings.
Note! It is therefore possible to reactivate the signature for the first 10 days after the transaction has expired.
A cancellation can only be made by the sender. You will see the status, 'Cancelled', if the sender has been in and cancelled the signature process and thus the transaction. When a transaction is cancelled for one signatory, the entire transaction is cancelled and so is the process for the other signatories.
Note! Once a transaction is cancelled by the sender, it is not possible to reactivate the transaction.
Data collection
You will see the status, 'Data Collection', when a request for CPR-validation has been sent or an Addo Form has been sent to a signatory to complete. It will appear as soon as the transaction is initiated. When a CPR validation is complete it will show as 'Completed', and for Addo Forms the same logic is followed as for regular document signatures. So it can be 'Signed', 'Completed' etc.
This status is displayed if the signer has rejected the transaction. A signer always has the option to reject a transaction. They cannot reject a single document, this will make the whole transaction rejected and also abort the transaction for other signatories. If the signer rejects, they must write a reason for the rejection that the sender will receive. This, therefore, means that if the transaction contains multiple signatories, they will all have the status 'Rejected'.
Distribution failed
If the status is 'Distribution failed', something unexpected happened in the distribution of the document(s). That is, after being signed by all parties, it has not been possible to send the signed document to one or more recipients. An example could be that the email of either the recipient or the sender bounces, which can be seen for several reasons.
Note! If you receive a 'Distribution failed' status, please contact support via the link at the bottom of the page. Please provide us with the transaction ID here so we can inform you why the distribution failed and help resolve it.
If the status is 'Failed', then the documents have not reached the signer and the transaction is aborted. This can happen for several reasons, e.g. if the email address is misspelt and therefore does not exist, the mail server is down, or, e-Boks or Digital Post is down. If a transaction has failed and you can't figure out why, you are always welcome to contact support via the link at the bottom of the page and provide the transaction ID.