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an overview of what credits are used for and how to find out how to use credits.

Price of credits
How many credits does a transaction use?
How many credits have I spent?


Price of credits

In Addo Sign you use "Credits" to pay with. Credits are therefore the currency inside our system, and you will be charged in credits when doing a transaction. There are two ways to purchase credits; either you choose Addo Sign Basic, where you prepay for a number of credits which is then available to you, or you choose one of our service subscriptions. With either the Addo Sign Standard or Premium subscription, you pay for your actual credit consumption and sublime service. You can find more information on our price model here

The price of credits varies according to how many you choose to buy. Therefore, if you buy a smaller number, the price per credit will be more expensive than if you buy a larger number.


How many credits does a transaction use?

Sending a document for signature can vary in price, as the price depends on how you choose to compose the transaction. "Transaction" is the term used to describe the sending of one or more documents for signature, by one or more parties.

The following elements may affect the price of the transaction:

  • Number of signatories
  • Number of documents to be signed
  • Identification method
  • Signature method
  • How the signed document is distributed (e-Boks, Google Drive or one of the many other integrations)
  • Additional costs when using Addo Forms

You can find an overview of what uses how many credits, on our detailed price sheet.

How many credits have I spent? 

It is possible to follow the usage history of credits at any time in the user settings of Addo under "Account overview" and "Used credits"


Clicking "Show" will display the purchase history of credits, including details of which account has purchased a specific number of credits, applicable if you have subaccounts.