OK button

"OK button" can be used as a signature on all documents and this is a binding signing method.

1. What is "OK-Button"? 
2. How to sign with OK-Button
3. What does the signature look like?

What is "OK-Button"?

This form of signature is more secure than an old-fashioned signature made with a ballpoint pen on a piece of paper. This is because a stamp is electronically embedded in the signed PDF, in which several details about the signer are stored. This information is not visible to the reader of the PDF, but can be unlocked if a judge asks for access to the information in the document. 


Some of the information stored includes: IP address of the signer, email address or phone number of the signer, date and time of signature and an activity log which all become an integral part of the signed document. 


Since it is the sender of the document who writes the e-mail address and the name of the signer, it is important to write the correct information. The only thing visible to the reader of the document is the name of the signatory, as indicated by the sender.


Signature with "OK-Button" is supported by the eIDAS regulation. It goes under the requirement "SES" - Simple Electronic Signature. You can read much more about the different eIDAS requirements here.


If you want the signer's information to be visible on the document, which is not simply that provided by the sender, we suggest using advanced signing methods, such as MitID or BankID.


How to sign with OK-Button 

Once a signer has clicked the link to the signing portal, they will be greeted with this page: 


When the signer clicks the document, they will be presented with the document, and the option to sign the document with the OK-Button: 



Once they click the button, the document is signed and they will receive confirmation.


What does the signature look like? 

The sender and recipients of copy will recieve the signed document once the receiver has signed. 

The signature seal on the document, will look like this:  


Note - The name on the stamp the name that the sender has written. If the wrong name is given, it will still be the name on the stamp, even if someone else has signed. Remember to check this before sending!