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API documentation

You can use our API documentation to integrate with Addo. By using the API, you can take advantage of the features that Addo has to offer, so you don't have to manually transfer data between your solution and Addo.

With our API, you have the option to integrate with Addo Sign. To use the API, you need paid access. Our API documentation describes the Addo web service, which consists of open-source protocols and standards that exchange data between systems, whereas API is a software interface that allows two applications to interact with each other without user intervention. Our API is done using the Rest API, which uses HTTP requests to access and use data.

If desired, a developer resource can be assigned and contacted with questions. This is usually free of charge, but Twoday reserves the right to invoice a portion of the time spent on larger projects by prior agreement.


After the development has been completed on the demo environment, a similar environment can be created with integration user on production.


Note: In order to generate a token to use the API, you must log in with your login information. In addition, your password must be SHA-512 and then base 64 encrypted, which can be done via this link:


API documentation and other information can be found here: