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What is a template?

Templates determine how all rules in a transaction work and they are used when sending a new signature, a secure file transfer, an Addo Form and for Addo Merge (mail merge/mass mailing).

In this article, we will discuss what a template is, the different types of templates and who can create a template.

Some of the parameters determined by a template are, among others, how the persons should sign, what wording the recipients get when requesting a signature, what signature method should be used, where the documents are distributed after signing and whether some recipients should sign only some documents and some should sign other documents. They can also define who can see what has been sent depending on which group they are created in. The templates can standardize processes but also make the wording and processes specific to the individual work task.

A template must be used when sending a new signature, a secure file transfer, an Addo Form and for Addo Merge (mail merge/mass mailing), but it is possible to change the template for each mailing/transaction. A template can help to make the sending of a transaction more efficient and simple, but it is still possible to customize the template for each transaction.

This article will discuss the different types of templates and when to use them, who can create templates, how to select a template when sending and how to edit, delete, duplicate and move templates

What is possible to determine in the template settings?
Template types
Creating templates and groups
Select template when creating a transaction
Editing, duplicating, deleting and moving templates


What is possible to determine in the template settings?

What is possible to determine in the template settings depends on the different template types mentioned above. The settings that can be determined include:

  • Basic settings for identification and signature method
  • Default language for e-mails and SMS messages
  • The wording of the messages (both invitation to signature and deadline and reminder messages)
  • Simple questions (read more here)
  • Receipt text
  • Simple or advanced signing flow 
  • Signers
  • Recipients of copy
  • Sender distribution methods

Template types

There are three different template types: templates for document signatures, templates for secure file transfer and templates for signing Addo Forms, all of which cover different needs.

  1. If a document is to be sent for signature, or a mass mailing is to be made to obtain signatures from several people, a document signing template is used
  2. If a document is to be sent by secure file transfer to one or more persons, or a mass mailing is to be made with mail merge that does not need to be signed, a secure file transfer template is used
  3. If a digital form is to be sent with Addo Forms and signed, a form signing template for Addo Forms is used

When you enter the template settings, you will automatically land on the document signing templates, and thus, you have to actively enter one of the other categories to add, modify or delete templates of the right type.

Templates for Addo Merge: When doing a mass mailing with Addo Merge, you can either choose to send it with a document signing template or with a secure file transfer template. The choice depends on whether the recipient needs to sign the documents or not. You can read more about mass mailing with Addo Merge here.


Creating templates and groups

It is only possible for administrators and group administrators to create new templates, but it is possible for everyone to use templates belonging to their group as well as templates in the Default group. An administrator can create templates that are available to everyone and in all groups, while a group administrator can only create templates for his own group.

The group in which the template is created determines who has access to the template. A person can be a member of several groups and thus have access to the templates in all the groups of which he/she is a member. Read more about groups, users and rights here.

  1. Here is an example with four different groups (Default, HR, Sales and KYC). The Default group is accessible to everyone.

You can read more about how to set up the different kinds of templates here:


Select template when creating a transaction

When you need to send a document to a recipient, there is an option to choose a template that addresses the group you are part of or the process to be performed. All transactions are sent from a template and thus, it is important that you choose a template before you do anything else in relation to a transaction. The picture below shows what it looks like when choosing a template when sending. As you can see in the picture, the templates are divided into groups (Default, HR, etc.). This is determined by the group in which the template is created. 

When a transaction is to be sent, the template is selected in the blue box at the top of the 'Send' page:

  1. When you are on the Addo Sign home page you will find an blue box at the top called "Template".
  2. Click on the drop-down menu to select your template.


Editing, duplicating, deleting and moving templates

All existing templates can of course also be edited, duplicated, deleted and moved to other groups. This can be done using the blue function box on the right under "actions".

  1. Press the action symbol based on the template you want to make changes to.
  2. Tap on the action you want to take:
    Move: Moves the template to another group.
    Rename: You can rename the template
    Duplicate: The option to make a copy of the template and its rules
    Delete: Deletes the transaction.