Advanced signingflow
An advanced signing workflow is the process through which a sending progresses from start to finish. This process dictates which documents are sent to whom and in what order.
Additionally, it allows for the specification of whether recipients are required to sign the documents or simply receive them as attachments.
This can be useful in situations where not everyone needs to view the same documents, and it varies who needs to sign which documents.
Advanced Signing Workflow
What is Advanced Signing workflow?
How is an Advanced Signing workflow used?
How is an Advanced Signing workflow set up?
How do I send an Advanced Signing workflow to my recipients?
How do I track the sending in the transaction overview?
What is Advanced Signing workflow?
In a template, there are options between a simple and an advanced signature process. With an advanced signing workflow, you can effectively streamline the signature process and ensure that the relevant documents reach the appropriate recipients in accordance with their specific roles and responsibilities.
How is an Advanced Signing workflow used?
In order to use an advanced signing flow, it is required that this is activated under the template settings in your account. This must be done prior to distribution and can only be done by an administrator. The activation of an advanced signing flow takes place per template, and is a setting that can be selected on or off:
- Tap Settings
- Select Templates
- Tap the template for which you want to enable advanced signing flow or create a new template.
Once you have selected or created a new template, scroll down to the bottom, where you have the option to choose between "simple" and "advanced" signing flow.
NB: By default, templates follow the rules of Simple signing Flow.
- Scroll down to the bottom using the bar on the right or by scrolling with your mouse.
- Select "advanced" signing flow.
How is an Advanced Signing workflow set up?
However, it is not enough to change the signing flow type, as advanced requires to be set up for the process you want it to follow. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to customize the advanced signing flow. First, you create Signer roles. Addo Sign uses the roles to be able to tell the difference between the different signatories. When a signer is added to this template, you must select which signer role the signer should be assigned.
- Tap Add Signer Role.
- Choose an appropriate name for the role that defines their task or function.
- Decide which Signature method people of this role will sign with.
- Choose whether and how people with this role should identify themselves.
Next, Document groups are created. A document group can contain one or more documents and is designed so that Addo Sign can distinguish between which documents must be sent to the various signatories.
- Tap Add Document Group.
- Choose an Appropriate Document Group Name. The name should reflect the kind of documents to be added to the transaction.
We are now ready to decide which roles must sign the various document groups and in which order it must be done. Below is an example of how it can be set up. The order must be read from the 1st signing towards the 4th signing.
- In the above example, all the people in the 1st signing will receive different documents at the same time. The Tenant and Property Administrator will receive the documents in "contract", the Board will receive the documents in "conditions" and "documents".
- Next, it will proceed to 2nd signing, where the board will get the documents in the "contract" document category, the Tenant will get the documents from "conditions" and the property manager will get the documents from "documents"
- 3. signing, and the last in this process is that the tenant receives the documents from the "documents" document category for signing.
Your template is complete and you can now save it and start working with it.
How do I send an Advanced Signing workflow to my recipients?
When an advanced template is selected for a transaction, it looks a little different than if it had been a simple flow, because you must be able to link documents to a document group and give the recipients some roles. The following are images that follow the previous example.
- Add signatories in the various roles.
- Documents are added to the various document groups.
- Here you can see the process for who must sign which documents and when.
When the flow is set up as desired, "Send" can be pressed again. Note: Only signatories in “1. signing" who will now receive an email/SMS invitation to sign. Once signed by all parties hereto, the signing flow continues to “2. signing”.
How do I track the sending in the transaction overview?
When a transaction has been sent with Advanced signing flow, a lot of lines for the transaction and an overview of all flows appear.
You can press "Show signing flow" to get an easy overview of how far the process is:
- Tap Overview
- Tap the Transaction where you would like to examine the signing flow
- Tap on Show Signing Flow - After that a pop-up will appear.
- In the pop-up, you can see who is going to sign, with Status started, who has signed or is waiting to get the documents, which has a status of pending.