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Overview of functions in settings

In this guide you can find information about some of the options you can manage on your Addo accounts.

As an administrator, you should be able to add users, manage the address book, add integrations, create templates for sending, design your email message to make your account more personal and much more. This guide will be an overview where you will be referred directly to articles related to the feature.

Functions in settings
Account overview
Buy credits
Address book
Web Hooks
Azure AD Configuration

In the upper right corner you will find your settings. Firstly, you access the settings menu by clicking the blue settings-gear. 


Account overview

Under the tab Account overview, you will find: 

  • Account information

Information about your account, such as company name, primary contact, CVR number, etc. 

  • General terms and conditions

A link to our terms and conditions, which you accepted when you signed up for Addo.

  • GDPR compliance

Here you have the option to choose settings around data anonymisation. We suggest always having this option set to comply with GDPR legislation. 

  • Credit Cards

Here you have an overview of the account's payment cards and the option to add more 

  • Purchase history

Here is a summary of your purchases of credits and add-ons for Addo. 

Buy credits

When you buy credits, you can choose between different options directly from your profile.
It is possible to pay by credit card or by invoice depending on which packages you choose.

You can read much more about buying credits here.



The Users tab allows you to add new users to your account or edit your existing users and their roles. You can also create groups for your account and edit them in Addo.

You can read much more about creating and managing users here.


Address book

When you add a new signer to a document, you get the option to save the contact information in your address book. In this tab, you get an overview of your contacts and the option to add more contacts. This can be done manually or by importing the contacts via a .csv file.

You can read much more about the address book here.



The Integrations tab provides an overview of the integrations you can use with Addo. You can add more integrations or see which ones are active for your accounts.

You can read much more about integrations here.


Web Hooks

Web Hooks is a feature used to retrieve or save data from an external URL. The call is used as a special endpoint just like the API that passes on a status.

You can read a lot more about web hooks here.



You can create new Signing Templates, Secure Transfer Templates and Addo Forms templates in your accounts. These are formed as standards that make it easy for you to use a specific template for similar transactions. You can have different templates for your different groups, to suit different needs. 

You can read much more about templates here.



Here you can create a fill-in form that can be generated via a link or sent directly to a signer. You can have the signer answer questions, fill in information, attach files and sign.

You can read more about Addo Forms here.



In the Security tab, you can set security requirements for your password in the form of length, special characters, numbers and the like, as well as how often it needs to be updated.

You can read much more about security here.



Under Design, you get the opportunity to upload your own unique logo, which appears when sending a transaction. In addition, you get the ability to edit the company's colour used for buttons, icons and links in emails when the recipient reads and signs the receiving documents.

You can read much more about the design settings here.



Under Validation, you can easily validate whether a document is valid or correctly signed with NemID private, NemID employee or BankID Norway. This is done by uploading a signed document and entering a PID number.


Azure AD Configuration

The Azure AD tool allows you to connect your Azure AD to Addo and thus achieve increased security. It redirects you to AD Connect, a cloud-based platform that integrates Addo. The service is particularly suitable for granting access permissions for windows-based computers. It is a cloud-based environment where information and settings are stored in a central database.


You can read a lot more about Azure AD here.


If you have followed the thread of guides for this, you can now try to send your first document for signature. 

