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Messaging to the Signers

In this guide, we will take a look at the messaging options available when sending documents for signing, and also review how to edit these messages.

The different messages on this page (see screenshot below) are taken from the template, you are using. If you have not changed these in your template settings, default texts made by Addo Sign are shown.

4 types of messages
1. Message to signers
2. Deadline and reminder message
3. Invitation Message
4. Receipt options


Message to signers

How to set it up

In the Messages to signers you have the possibility to enter additional information for the signers. However, this field is optional and is left blank by default. It is also not possible to add this message to templates, but it must be entered for each transaction. 

  1. Add a message to the signers
  2. You can change the language of e-mails/SMS


How it looks for the signer

The message will appear when the signer enters the signing portal:


  1. Here you can find "Messages to signers"


Deadline and reminder message

How to set it up

In the Deadline and Reminder message, you have the option to change the settings for when reminders are sent, as well as change the message itself. This can also be done on templates.

  1. The expiry date is the date on which the transaction expires and the signer will no longer be able to sign.
    If the transaction is made on 01/01 at 10:00 and the expiry date is set to 14 days, the transaction will be signable until 15/01 at 10:00.
    Note: If a transaction has expired, from the expiry date and 10 days after, you can reactivate the transaction from your overview.
  2. Here you can decide when reminders should be sent to the signatory, and if it should be on specific dates
  3. Here you can choose when the last reminder will be sent to the signatory
  4. As in the invitation message, you can edit the subject line here
  5. Here you can also edit the message itself
  6. Remember to press save!


How it looks for the signer

The reminder message will automatically be sent to the signatory by email or SMS. The message appears in the email as in the image below:


  1. The subject line is shown here
  2. The reminder message appears here


Invitation message

How to set it up

Invitation message is the message that the signer can see in the first SMS or email sent to inform them that a document is waiting for their signature. This message is editable in templates, if you wish to have a different default text.

  1. Here you can edit the subject line of the email
  2. Here you can edit the text of the SMS/email
  3. Remember to press save!


How it looks for the signer

When the recipient receives the first email with the invitation to the documents, it will appear as below:


  1. The subject line is shown here
  2. The Invitation message appears here


Receipt message

How to set it up

The receipt message is the last message sent to the signer. It is sent when the signer has completed his signature, and only if the sender has chosen to send a receipt.

  1. Here you can change the subject line of the email
  2. Here you edit the text of the message
  3. Remember to press save!


How it looks for the signer

When the signer receives the email, it will look like the email below:


  1. The subject line is displayed here
  2. The receipt message is shown here



Note! If you do not change the messages, Addo Sign will send a default text to your signer. The messages can be changed both when sending each transaction or in templates in settings.