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Edit an ongoing transaction

If you have sent a document for signature, but there are some elements in the shipment that you would like to change, this is possible from within the transaction overview.

Here it is possible to change the recipient information, add recipients or completely cancel a transaction.

In this guide we will show you which fields are editable and what options you have after the transaction has been sent to one or more recipients.


How to access a transaction for editing
Overview of editing options (person specific)
Overview of editing options (Transaction specific)


How to access a transaction for editing

To access a transaction that you want to change, do this from the Overview tab in Addo Sign, where you simply tap on the transaction you want to change. If there is a transaction for 2 or more parties, first tap on the transaction line and then tap on one of the recipients:

  1. Tap the overview to access your transactions.
  2. Press either on a transaction with 1 recipient and the pop-up with transaction details will pop up.
    Or tap on a line with 2 or more recipients to expand it
  3. For 2 or more recipients: then press one of the recipients after the transaction has unfolded.


Overview of editing options (person specific)

Redigering af de person specifikke felter har kun påvirkning på den enkelte person som skal underskrive, og vedrører derfor ikke andre underskrivere i transaktionen.

Changes to personal details can have an impact on how the person signs, how long they have to sign and information about the signer.

  1. The expiry date of the transaction is the date when the signer has the possibility to sign the document, if this date is exceeded the signer will no longer have the possibility to sign. This always follows the rules of the template but you also have the option to change this afterwards.
  2. The signature method determines how the signer signs the document. It is therefore up to the sender which method is chosen but this can be edited to the signature method available to the signer to accommodate the signature process.
  3. The identification method determines how the signer must identify themselves before they are allowed to sign the document. It is up to the sender which method is chosen but this can be edited to accommodate the identification methods available to the signer.
  4. The name of the recipient is the name that is visible in the signature process and the messages that are sent to the recipient.
  5. Email determines which email will receive messages related to the shipment.
  6. The reference number allows you to enter a reference number which also appears in the summary page.

Other fields:

For distribution to SMS, e-Boks, digital post or when signing with an eID, there will also be a phone number field and a SSN field.

These are also essential in terms of how the person receives the documents or what the requirements are for the person to sign.


Overview of editing options (Transaction specific)

Editing the transaction specific fields has an impact on all parties that need to sign. This affects whether the transaction should have multiple signatories, copy receivers, be cancelled, etc.

  1. Recipients of copy allows you to add an additional copy recipient if an additional person needs to receive a copy of the signed document after all parties have signed.
  2. Copy transaction can copy all signers, documents, wording and rules that apply to the current transaction if a shipment similar to a previous transaction needs to be recreated.
  3. Abort signing can cancel the transaction. This means that the signers will no longer be able to access the document or sign and that previously collected signatures will no longer be valid if there is more than one signatory and some are missing signatures.
  4. Send new notification to signer allows you to notify a signatory about the document again, either via SMS, e-mail or in e-Boks/digital post. It can also be used to notify about a signature in a different way than the original one.
  5. Download all documents
    Before signing: Download all documents in the transaction without signatures.
    After signing: Download all documents in the transaction with signatures attached.
    NOTE Documents can be downloaded at the latest 10 days after the expiry date, after which they will be deleted from the platform.
  6. Add signer allows you to add an additional signer to the transaction that was not originally a signer in the signature process.