Change identification and signing method
It is possible to change both the identification and signature method of an ongoing transaction that has already been sent out, right up to the moment the documents are signed. This guide will show you how to do it.
1. Find your transaction in the Overview
2. Change identification and signing method
Find the transaction
The first thing to do is to find and open the transaction you want to change the identification or signing method for.
- Press "Overview"
- If you have many transactions in your overview, you can search for the transaction using the search fields at the top of the page
- Click on the transaction - if there are multiple signers, click on the transaction first and then one of the signers
- A pop-up window will now appear
Change identification and signing method
Now that you have found and opened the transaction, you have several options to modify the transaction, e.g. name, email address, phone number. It is also possible to cancel or copy the transaction, send new notification to signers, etc. You can read more about the other editing options you have here.
The image below will show you how to change the identification and signing method:
- Go to the "Details" tab - here you will be by default when you open up a transaction
- Press the field outside "Signature method" or "Signer identified with", depending on what you want to change
- Select the new method from the roll-down list that appears
The method you have chosen will change automatically for the signatory - so you don't need to send them a new notification.