Trusted Service Providers

All EU Member States have a obligation to create, maintain and publish trusted lists of "Trusted Service Providers (TSPs") and the qualified services provided by them.

Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 910/2014 / EU (eIDAS Regulation), the "Trusted Service Providers List" has a constitutive effect. This means that a Service Provider is only qualified if they appear on the list.

Article 22 of the eIDAS Regulation obliges Member States to establish, maintain and publish these lists, including information related to the service providers for which they are responsible.
The lists will also include information related to the qualified services provided by them.


EU Member States may add services other than those qualified to the trusted lists on a voluntary basis at national level, provided that it is clearly indicated that they are not qualified under Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.


If you want insight into the Trusted Service Providers operating in the different Member States, you can see them HERE