Swedish BankID
BankID is Sweden's leading electronic identification method. BankID was developed by some major banks. Today Swedish BankID supports over 8 million Swedes, both in connection with private and public services.
When using Swedish BankID, the user's identification is guaranteed by the bank that issues the BankID.
"Swedish BankID" can be used as a signature on all documents and is a binding signing method. This signature form is more secure than an old-fashioned signature made with a pen on a piece of paper. This is because a stamp is electronically incorporated into the signed PDF, in which several pieces of information about the signatory are stored.
In addition to storing information about the customer in the form of IP address, time and date, etc. a signature with an eID can also provide security for the signer's identity.
As this is a signature with a valid eID signing method through a Trusted Service Provider, this signing method complies with the eIDAS regulations and will be considered the most qualified signature method, both within the EU but also in the rest of the world.
In Sweden, there are several Trusted Service Prividers, including: Trustweaver and ZealID AB