Service notice: Delays in distributions of transactions
We are experiencing a longer than usual distribution of transactions to signers as well as administrators.
In the last few days, there has been a notable delay in the distribution of transactions to end users and users of Addo Sign.
This issue has arisen due to several factors. Notably, our new domain, and specifically the IP address, has been blacklisted because of the high volume of activity on our platform.
The technical email reputation is gradually improving, and we anticipate a return to normal operations within the next few days (Update as of September 5th).
FAQ - Frequently answered questions
What should I do if my transactions are failing?
- You should try to reactivate the signing. Use this guide.
Why is my transaction failing?
- Always use the logs to identify the reason behind why the transaction is failing.
What if I see "Possible problem with delivering notification..."?
- That might be due to the reputation we are going to build up again. You can try to reactivate signing using this guide.
Incident Timeline:
- The issue was identified on Monday, September 2nd.
- It was isolated on Wednesday, September 4th, and subsequently reported to our supplier.
- We are collaborating with our supplier to ensure a return to normal operations as swiftly as possible. They estimate the resolution may take up to one week.