Invalid VAT number
The Invalid VAT number error message means that something is wrong with the CVR number that has been entered. It could be that it is made with wrong punctuation, that a number is missing or that a number is too much
This guide aims to guide you as a customer so that you enter the CVR number in the correct format.
The error message
Danish CVR number
Swedish organisation number
Norwegian organisation number
Invalid VAT number
This error message can occur both when you want to make your first purchase through Addo Sign or if you want to change your company details. Common to both sites is that the CVR numbers must follow a specific format to be entered into the system. If it is not entered in the correct format, you will be met with the error message below:
Danish CVR number
CVR stands for Central Business Register and is the state's master register for business information and contains information on all businesses in Denmark.
All Danish companies are required to have a CVR number, with one exception: if a company has a turnover of less than DKK 50,000 on an annual basis, it is voluntary whether you want to register the company.
A CVR number is a company's identification number, in the same way that every Danish citizen has a CPR number.
A CVR number contains 8 digits and is unique to each company, and it is this number that must be used in any situation where the company needs to identify itself to public authorities, customers, the tax authorities, etc. The CVR number is therefore made up of 8 digits, and complies with the Module 11 check. The CVR number must also be visible when processing invoices.
Example: "25313763"
It is therefore not preceded by "DK" or any other letters, despite the way the CVR number is used outside Denmark.
Swedish organisation number
The organisation number is a unique identifier assigned to legal persons, such as companies and associations. Some business people use their personal identity number as an organisation number instead of an organisation number.
The authority that registers the business, association or organisation when it is to be set up assigns the organisation number. Most companies and associations receive their organisation number from "Bolagsverket". Some other examples of authorities assigning organisation numbers are:
- Den svenske skattemyndighed (non-profit associations)
- Kammarkollegiet (registered religious communities)
- Lantmäteriet (community associations).
It is not possible to say with certainty what type of company is behind an organisation number. However, for many companies and associations the list below is correct. The organisation number starts with
5 digits for limited companies, branches, banks, insurance companies and European companies
9 digits for commercial companies and limited partnerships
7 or 8 digits for owners' associations, economic associations, non-profit professional associations, housing associations, cooperative societies, European cooperative societies and European groupings of territorial cooperation
2 or 8 digits for religious communities
A Swedish Organisation Number must contain "SE" plus 9 digits and "01" at the end. There must also be no hyphen in the organisation number
Example: SE556579440001
This organisation number normally appears as 556579-4400
Norwegian organisation number
Organisation number in Norway is a nine-digit registration number assigned by "Enhetsregisteret ved Brønnøysundregistrene". The number is assigned to companies, sports clubs and so on. The number is used to give the organisation and legal persons a unique identifier in relation to public authorities and other organisations.
The organisation number must be provided when, for example, a bank account is opened, on sales invoices, when contacting public authorities and when financial tasks are to be performed on behalf of the organisation.
The ninth digit of the organisation number is a check digit. This means that the digit is assigned according to a formula so that it can be automatically calculated to match the first eight digits, to avoid spelling errors
A Norwegian organization number is 9 digits
Example: "926060023"